Biochemical Individuality

April 2024

  Dr. Roger Williams, who discovered several B vitamins, wrote “every individual has nutritional needs which differ quantitatively with respect to each separate nutrient from his neighbors.”  Imagine, our biochemistries are as unique as our fingerprints and genes. This would seem to create a real problem in finding unique solutions to health problems, but keep reading. In this article I will explain a system that factors in uniqueness.

   If one size doesn’t fit two of us, much less all of us, how can we find a size that fits you and me?

   This brings into question all remedies provided for the general population and pitfalls of a “cookie cutter” approach to medicine — this pill for that problem, etc. The good news is that our health problems and their remedies do fall into predictable patterns. This gives value to a “multi” for everyone with common deficiencies, or a pill for everyone to treat a common disease. However, it’s not the whole story. It leaves out special needs related to uniqueness. If our chemistries are unique, then our personal health concerns and their remedies must also be unique in at least in some respects.

   This is where a system of healing that I worked out on the 1980s, while struggling to stay on top of my own health, comes into play. It goes beyond cookie cutter, avera ...

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