How should the US deal with immigrants and refugees coming here from Islamic countries? |
Because it is impossible to screen them properly, we should not allow them into the US. | 82.19% |
We should have compassion for their plight, screen them the best we can and allow them in. | 16.44% |
A person's religion should make no difference as to who is allowed in. Screening should not be done at all. | 1.37% |
Of the choices below, who do you prefer for president? |
Donald Trump | 23.81% |
Ted Cruz | 76.19% |
Hillary Clinton | 0.00% |
Bernie Sanders | 0.00% |
Of the choices listed below, who do you most favor for President in the upcoming election? |
Donald Trump | 20.00% |
Ben Carson | 27.50% |
Ted Cruz | 42.50% |
Someone Else | 10.00% |
How do you feel about Muslim "refugees" being allowed into the country at this time? |
They are not "refugees" -- this is an ISIS invasion and must be stopped. | 95.83% |
We must welcome them, America is a nation of immigrants, and as Christians it is our duty to care for them. | 4.17% |
How do you feel about Halloween? |
Halloween is an evil celebration and Christians should have nothing to do with it. | 44.44% |
Turn the evil into good by using this opportunity to hand out Bible Tracts! | 44.44% |
Halloween is just a fun time for the kids, there is nothing really evil about it. | 11.11% |
What is your opinion regarding the abortion "debate?" |
Abortion is a POLITICAL issue, and should not be looked at from a "religious" viewpoint. | 8.33% |
Abortion is a MORAL issue, and civilized society has an obligation to end it. | 91.67% |
Abortion is a PERSONAL issue, and each individual must make up his or her own mind about it. | 0.00% |
What is your opinion of the upcoming Jade Helm 15 military exercises? |
I believe it is a precursor to martial law in America. | 64.41% |
I believe it is just routine military training; nothing suspicious about it. | 8.47% |
I don't think the government is telling us the truth and while I don't know what Jade Helm is about, I don't think it is going to be good for US citizens. | 27.12% |
What do you value most about your church? |
Biblical Teaching, Spiritual Growth and Opportunities to Serve. | 83.33% |
Inspiring Praise and Worship Time. | 4.17% |
Friends, Fun and Fellowship. | 4.17% |
I Don't Have a Church Home. | 8.33% |
Would you vote for a THIRD PARTY candidate for president if that candidate honored your Christian faith and values?
YES! We need a strong, honest Christian in the White House. | 81.36% |
Yes, but only if it seemed he/she had a real chance to win. | 13.56% |
No. A third party will never get enough votes to win. | 5.08% |
Does your pastor and church leadership take a bold stand on the important cultural issues of the day, (abortion, same-sex marriage, terrorism, Islam, Israel, etc) or are those topics avoided?
YES! My pastor gives good direction as to how we should respond to these issues on a regular basis. | 48.00% |
We are left to draw our own conclusions on these matters. | 52.00% |
No, and I don't believe these things should be talked about in church. | 0.00% |
What is your stand regarding Homosexuality and Homosexual "marriage?"
Homosexuality is clearly unnatural, and the Bible calls it sin. We should love the sinner but hate the sin. | 91.23% |
Who am I to judge? What may not be right for me, might be right for others. | 1.75% |
It is time we treat everyone the same, and thus I am in favor of "Marriage Equality." | 7.02% |
How Often do you attend church?
One time per week. | 45.83% |
1-2 times per week. | 37.50% |
Once a month, or less. | 4.17% |
I do not attend church. | 12.50% |
Christians Only Vote Please: which one of the areas listed below do you struggle with the most, personally?
Use of alcohol, drugs, smoking. | 25.64% |
My speech; I often use bad language. | 5.13% |
Sexual sin (including use of pornography) | 10.26% |
Poor diet and lack of exercise | 58.97% |
Should Christians drink alcohol?
No, it is a sin. | 33.33% |
It is only a sin if you drink enough to get drunk. | 47.62% |
Since we are under grace, not law, it doesn't matter, we can do whatever we like. | 19.05% |
What is your greatest challenge as a Christian?
Walking in the Spirit, not in the flesh. | 9.09% |
Investing consistent time in prayer and devotions. | 27.27% |
Witnessing, making disciples, Great Commission. | 36.36% |
Loving my enemies. | 27.27% |