WCN Radio

Revival & Reverence, Returning To God
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for February 11, 15, 18 & 22, 2025.

Don't Let Your Weak Flesh Stop You
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for March 11 & 15, 2025.

Good Help Is Hard To Find
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for March 4 and 8, 2025.

Hard Work Is Good For You
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for February 25 and March 1, 2025.

Cautiously Optimistic (454)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for February 4 & 8, 2025.

Either You're Serious Or You're Not
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for January 21 and 25, 2025.

The Ultimate Pardon
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for January 6 and 11, 2025.

You're Not 'Giving Up' Anything (451)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for December 31, 2024 and January 4, 2025.

Praise God With Reverence and Awe
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for December 3 and 7, 2024.

Gently, Humbly and Patiently
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for November 26 and 30, 2024.

Appalachia Needs Help! This Is Real!
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for November 19 and 23, 2024.

There's No Political Solution
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for October 29 and November 2, 2024.

Absolutely Unsustainable
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for September 24 and 28, 2024.

That's Fine, If That's What You Believe
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for September 17 and 21, 2024.

If I'd Known Then What I Know Now
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for July 30 and August 3, 2024.

There's No Exuse For Being Clueless
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for June 18 & 22, 2024.
Net Zero
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for May 21 and 25, 2024.

God's Lifeboat Is More Than Half Empty!
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for April 9 and 13, 2024.

Kneeling Before Tyrants
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for April 2 and 6, 2024.

It Needs To Stop!
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for March 19 & 23, 2024.

Obama's Third Term -- Going For Four
Rob Pue's 'Fromo the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for February 20 and 24, 2024.

All the World's A Stage
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for November 14 and 18, 2023.

Non-Stop World-Wide Chaos
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for October 17 and 21, 2023.

Knowledge Of the Truth is Essential
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for October 3 and 7, 2023.

I'm Beyond Furious (403)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio networkk for August 29 and September 2, 2023.

Not As SMART As We Think We Are
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for August 22 and 26, 2023.

The Magical Rainbow Flag
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for August 15 & 19, 2023.

Build Back Better
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for August 1 and 5, 2023.

Count It All Joy
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for July 25 & 29, 2023.

God IN Us! (212)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America network for July 18 and 22, 2023.

Our Reasonable Service Is Not Comfort
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for June 6 and 10, 2023.

Casting Down Imaginations
Rob Pue, "From the Editor's Desk," on the VCY America radio Network, for June 6 and 10, 2023.

Manufacturing Mental Illness
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for May 2 and 6, 2023.

Young People: When Would You Want to Know? (307)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for April 11 & 15, 2023.

The Legacy We Leave Behind (230)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America network for April 4 & 8, 2023.(EDITOR'S NOTE: This message was originally broadcast in 2018).

America's Economic & Spiritual Woes (390)
Rob Pue's 'Froom the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for March 28 and April 1, 2023.

Because 'Good' Men Continue To Do Nothing
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for February 28 and March 4, 2023.

We Were Warned. We Didn't Listen
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for February 7 and 11, 2023.

We Are Without Excuse
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for January 17 & 21, 2023.

The 'Good Old Days' Of the 'Slippery Slope'
Rob Pue's 'From The Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for November 15 and 19, 2022.

Save the Children
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for October 25 and 29, 2022.

Stop Being a Victim
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for August 29 and Sept. 3, 2022.

When the Credit Card Comes Due
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for August 16 and 20, 2022.

Our Country, Apart From God
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for August 9 & 13, 2022.

Some Call It The Highway to Hell
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for July 26 and 30, 2022.

The Lie of 'Toxic Masculinity' (247)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for February 5 and 9, 2019.

We Are Proud of THIS?
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for June 28 and July 2, 2022.

How Do You Sleep At Night?
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for May 31 and June 4, 2022.

Seven Things God Hates
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for May 24 and 28, 2022.

To Pray to God -- or Whoever
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' on the VCY America radio network for March 8 and 12, 2022.

The Brainwashing Is Nearly Complete
Rob Pue's 'From The Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for January 18 and 22, 2022.

God Gives Freewill; Satan Mandates Force
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for December 7 and 11, 2021.

As In the Days of Noah (136)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for November 30 and December 4, 2021.

I'm Here to Tell You the Truth
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for November 9 and 13, 2021.

We're In For a Very Rude Awakening
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for November 2 and 6, 2021.

Stay Away From Hospitals and Don't Get the Jab!
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for October 26 and 30, 2021.

They're Killing People!
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for October 5 & 9, 2021.

Time For A Serious Sit-Down Discussion
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for September 14 and 18, 2021.

Lawlessness Abounds (332)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for August 3 and 7, 2021.

Universal Poverty and Dependence
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for July 13 and 17, 2021.

How About A Little Critical THINKING?
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for June 29 and July 3, 2021.

Trust God, Not Government Experiments
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America Radio Network for June 8 and 12, 2021.

Our Redemption Draweth Nigh
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for May 25 and 29, 2021.

I'm So Old
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for April 27 and May 1, 2021.

It's Time We CHRISTIANS Learn About Jesus
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for February 16 and 20, 2021.

The Coming 'Great Reset' (316)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America Radio Network for February 23 and 27, 2021.

A Final Challenge (173)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk commentary on the VCY America radio network for February 2 and 6, 2021.

Open Your Eyes Now
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for January 26 and 30, 2020. (Repeat)

Disillusioned Church Kids
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on VCY America Network for August 30 and September 3.

Satan's Superhighway (169)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for April 16 and 20, 2019.

Telling the Kids the Truth
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on VCY America network, for August 2 and 6, 2016.

Just Say 'No!'
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for December 15 and 19, 2020.

Much Has Been Revealed (312)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for December 1 and 5, 2020.

We Don't Get To Go Home Yet (306)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for October 6 and 10, 2020.

Men's Hearts Failing Them for Fear (303)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for September 15 and 19, 2020.

The Truth is Out There (302)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for Sept 1 and 5, 2020.

Perishing For Lack of Knowledge (300)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America Radio Network for August 11 & 15, 2020.

UNmasking the Lies; Unleashing the Truth (299)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for August 4 and 8, 2020.

The Enemy is At the Gates
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for July 7 and 11, 2020.

Lies, Ignorance and Anarchy (295)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for June 30 and July 4, 2020.

A Day of Reckoning (294)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America Radio Network for June 23 and 27, 2020.

Desolate, Burned and Overthrown (293)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for June 16 and 20, 2020.

Don't Just Trust. Verify (292)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for June 9 and 13, 2020.

Warning a Stiff-Necked People (197)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' Commentary on VCY America network for May 9 and 13, 2017.

Reason to Grieve (291)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for May 12 and 16, 2020.

It's Not About Your Health (290)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for May 5 and 9, 2020.

Rebuilding Babylon (266)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for September 17 and 21, 2019.

Their Secret Is Out
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for April 21 and 25, 2020.

Freedom is Essential (288)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for April 14 and 18, 2020.

What in the World is Happening? (287)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for April 7 and 11, 2019.

Welcome to the 'New Normal' (286)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for March 31 and April 4, 2020.

A 'Planned-Demic'
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for March 24 and 28, 2020.

The 'WCN' Story (282)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for February 18 and 22, 2020.

Abolition of Abortion and 'Church Repent' (278)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for January 21 and 25, 2020.

Our Words Reveal Our Hearts
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for December 17 and 21, 2019.

The Return of Every Prodigal
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for December 3 and 7, 2019.

You Are Not Alone (269)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for October 29 and November 2, 2019.

Are You 'Fed Up' Yet? (267
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for October 1 and 5, 2019.

If You Haven't Been Wounded, You're Not in the Battle
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for March 19 and 23, 2019.

Repentance Precedes Forgiveness (265)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for September 10 and 14, 2019.

Popular, But False (262)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for August 13 and 17, 2019.

Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for August 6 and 10, 2019.

And 300,000 Pulpits Were Silent (260)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America Radio Network for July 23 and 27, 2019.

A Licentious Nation of Pretend Christians (259)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for June 25 and 29, 2019.

We Can't Coexist (154)
Rob Pue's radio commentary # 154.

The Clock is Ticking (257)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for May 14 and 18, 2019.

Be Careful What You Believe (255)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for April 30 and May 4, 2019.

This is Spiritual Warfare -- Dress Appropriately (254)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for April 23 and 27, 2019.

Itching Ears that Hate the Truth (245)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America network for January 22 and 26, 2019.

Remaining Faithful Through Persecution in 2019
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America network for January 1 and 5, 2019.

When Are Christians Going to Care About This? (241)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America network for December 18 and 22.

Sharing God's Truth With Those We Love (239)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America network for December 4 and 8, 2018.

Worshiping God or Our Emotions? (232)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary for August 21 and 25, 2018.

Now They're Coming For Our Kids (231)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' Commentary for August 14 and 18, 2018.

Spiritual Deception of the New Age
Rob Pue, "From the Editor's Desk" on VCY America Network, April 5 & 9, 2016

Of Their Father the Devil (226)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on VCY America for June 26 and 30, 2018.

Tuck Us In Dad? (215)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for January 9 & 13, 2018.

America Under Blood Guiltiness
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America network for May 22 and 26, 2018.

Take Back the Ground the Devil Has Stolen (223)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America network for May 8 and 12, 2018.

Popping the 'Christian Bubble' (219)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on VCY America network for March 6 and 10, 2018.

As Go the Pulpits, So Goes the Nation (218)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on VCY America network for February 27 and March 3, 2018.

"If You Won't Move Your Feet"
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary for September 26 and 30, 2017.

Losing the Battle
Christians are losing the culture war because they are sheep without shepherds, receiving their moral direction from the liberal media and Hollywood, while Pastors and church leaders refuse to speak on or take a stand against sin and degredation.

Judgment in the House of God
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on VCY America network for April 25 and 29, 2017.

Understanding Godly Marriage (194)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on VCY America for April 4 and 8, 2017.

Men Are Called to Be Servants (193)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on VCY America network for March 28 and April 1, 2017.

The Homosexual Agenda (190)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' Commentary on VCY America Radio Network.

If the Truth Be Told (186)
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on VCY America network for January 10 and 14, 2017.

Satan's Superhighway
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' Commentary on VCY America network for August 9 and 13, 2016.

Remembering the History of Islam (147)

There's No Political Solution
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for October 29 and November 2, 2024.

What A Small Price to Pay
Rob Pue's 'From the Editor's Desk' commentary on the VCY America radio network for December 17 and 21, 2024.