Vision Of Today's Churches

June 2024

   I was driving through town and passed several “churches.”  They were all nicely manicured and landscaped. Their buildings were all very nice and they were all well taken care of. Just like most “Christian” homes that I see. Much more time put into the presentation of who they are, rather than the foundation and structure of who they are.

   Then I saw a picture of each of these “churches”... and they were all full of corpses... lost souls and dead babies. The dead, rotting bodies were all over their beautiful lawns, on their buildings, on the roofs and hanging off the roofs and, in the parking lots. And blood was flowing out of the driveway entrance like a fast-moving river. And I could see everything they had done, including serving themselves and making sure they had everything they needed and wanted!  

   I saw the many times that they saw the suffering of others but rationalized (from watching their loved ones and leaders, including their parents and grandparents and church leaders!), that it wasn’t their problem. From childhood until the last breath they took, I saw their laughter and sadness; and, at the end, I saw emptiness and loneliness. And, then I saw their present “agony” and “torment!”

   I saw the church as if I was entering through the front door. And there w ...

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