We Can't Do the Work For You

   Well, it’s better late than never, I suppose.  After nearly 60 years of allowing the homosexual agenda to move forward, claiming they just wanted “equal rights,” claiming this was a legitimate civil rights issue, people are just now starting to wake up to what’s really happening, and I’ve been getting phone calls, emails and letters from people who are outraged and panicked.
   You see, “pride” parades and festivals, and “transgender” “drag” events — which not so long ago only happened in the big cities — are now invading small town America, like waves of locusts.  The outrage is justifiable, especially considering the targets of all this stuff are our children, and they’re no longer even trying to hide that fact.  But my question is, “where have you been all this time?”  People:  are you just now finding out about all this?  Have you listened to nothing I’ve been sounding the alarm about for the last 25 years?  Did you not believe the evidence and proof I brought forth, over and over again?  Or did you just not care because it wasn’t affecting you?
   I recently heard from a person in a mid-size suburb in the midwest — horrified ...

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