We Can't Do It Without You

Wisconsin Christian News is now in it’s 25th year of publication.  Prior to starting the newspaper, I owned and operated a photography studio in my hometown, which I started from scratch.  We built up a great business there, with over 300 regular clients.  I did wedding photography, baby and child photography, family portraits, high school senior portraits, and the circle then continued as the babies I once did portraits of called on me to do their wedding photography, and then their children’s portraits.
I greatly enjoyed the creativity and working with people.  We also specialized in formal portraits of senior citizens, and often times I took the studio to them, in nursing homes.  I also did a lot of traveling for my work, as we set up a special program, which I coordinated with nursing home Activity Directors.  Because it was often nearly impossible for nursing home residents to go out to a studio to have a nice portrait made, we went to them.  And every time I went to a nursing home it was a special day.  
First, the residents would have their hair and makeup done by either the facility’s beautician, or we would call one in.  The nursing staff would make sure the residents were all dressed in their finest.  Sometimes we’d have husbands and wives photographed together ...

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