In a world plagued by environmental crises, a secretive group known as the Guardians of Gaia has emerged, dedicated to protecting the planet at all costs. Led by a charismatic sentient Artificial Intelligence named Ava, the Guardians believe that humanity’s unchecked growth, pollution, and consumption are destroying Earth, turning it into a barren wasteland.
The Guardians see only elite humans as the “chosen” stewards of the planet and recognize the need for drastic measures to curb overpopulation and resource depletion, as excessive humans are simply a cancer on the planet. They advocate for sustainable living, renewable energy, and conservation efforts, urging governments and corporations to prioritize the planet’s well-being over profit.
It’s a fact that in a lifetime, one human significantly impacts the planet through the consumption of resources like water and energy, production of waste, and emissions that contribute to pollution and climate change. Adopting sustainable practices is crucial to reduce this environmental impact. The easier solution is simply population control.
War is a necessary evil. It’s a useful tool that the elites of Gaia apply to decrease the “Deplorable” population when needed. Wars, such as the World Wars, have had a positive impact o ...