God Is Bigger Than Your Mountains

September 2024

   All of us, at one time or another, has had to face or deal with some mountains in our lives. It does not matter if you are young or old, all of us have had to face or deal with some mountains in our lives.

   It does not matter if you are rich or poor, educated or not, all of us have had to face or deal with some mountains in our lives.

   It does not matter if you live in the West, Downtown Las Vegas, Summerlin, Green Valley, Seven Hills, Silverado Community, Alianta, Sunrise Mountain, or Maine, all of us have had to face or deal with some mountains in our lives. It does not matter if you attend an Elementary School, West Prep, Canyon Springs High School or ORU, all of us have had to face or deal with some mountains in our lives.

   It does not matter if you are single, married, widowed, or divorced; all of us have had to face or deal with some mountains in our lives. You can be saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost; you can belong to a Baptist Church or St. Paul Church of God in Christ; or a hot Pentecostal Church. All of us have had to face and deal with some mountains in our lives. In matter of fact, some of us may be facing or dealing with some mountains in our lives at this very moment.

   In other words, we are not immune from facing or dealing with mountains in our lives. But there is a sweet relief ...

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