October 2024
I’m wearing a t-shirt that says “Normal is not coming back, but Jesus is.” This t-shirt is a trigger. I don't wear it to provoke anybody, but sadly, it does. There is a tremendous amount of hate out on the streets of America, and you don’t have to be in a big Blue State or City to experience that.
This shirt I am wearing has a weathered look, with a cross, circled with 13 stars around it instead of the current flag.
The reason there is so much hate for this t-shirt is because lies have hitchhiked on the back of Truth. They have been told and retold so many times, that ignorant and apathetic citizens have accepted the lies as truth, due to the “Pain Equation.”
A lot of people are not concerned about what is going on because it doesn’t affect them. In other words, they are not feeling any pain with what is going on in our country.
They are not Christian so they are not concerned about religious liberty.
They don’t own a gun, so they’re not worried about infringements on our second amendment.
They’re not getting concerned about food shortage because the shelves are still full.
They’re not concerned about the economy because their g ...