October 2024
Why can’t you, yes you admit you are wrong? It’s a basic flaw of humanity. Samuel Clemons (Mark Twain) discovered it along time ago. He even told us, “It is much easier to fool a person than it is for the person that’s been fooled to admit it.” No one wants to admit they’re wrong. Adam even tried it, “The woman You gave me made me do it.” It may be because man has been given a free will and feels responsible for everything he does.
We are operating with, under, an unconstitutional government. All politicians, veterans, civil servants, all of us took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. What have you done? All I’m doing, is making others aware that we did it, few of us have even read it. Well I’ll tell you a little about it.
We aren’t supposed to pay income tax, but what happens if you don’t? Read your Constitution. It supposedly came about with the sixteenth amendment, which was never legally ratified, and it can’t be because it violates the thirteenth amendment. Read them, I don’t have to explain them, they aren’t that hard to understand.
We have a central bank controlling our money an ...