Florida Bans Christ From Counseling Centers

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:

October 2024

   I have been an avid reader of Wisconsin Christian News for the past fifteen years.  After having worked as a carpenter in Wisconsin and North Carolina for twenty years, God began working on my heart as He called me into full time ministry.  I am a fellow Wisconsinite who, after growing up in Clark County, now work at a Christian counseling center as a Licensed Pastoral Counselor, where I interact mostly with substance abuse clients, and teach anger management, anti-shoplifting classes and domestic violence prevention classes.  Our counseling staff has done this line of ministering for the past thirty four years and has had an excellent rapport with county probation officers, judges, attorneys, and other referring agencies send clients our way who need help.  All of our therapists are born-again and are each active in their respective churches.
   Our center has been blessed to lead many of our clients to saving faith in Jesus Christ, and for this we give God the glory.  All of the services we’ve ever offered at our center are faith-based, our counselors are ordained ministers, and our curriculum is Christian — we utilize verses of Scripture, encourage Scripture memorization, and our teaching curriculum is based on a biblical worldview.

   Back in September of 2022, the F ...

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