Complimentary Story
January 2025“Mainstream” is defined as “belonging to or characteristic of a principal, dominant, or widely accepted group, movement, style, etc.”
Perhaps I am a bit corny or old-fashioned, but I was brought up to believe that “mainstream” meant middle...or the direct flow of the current in a river.
Mainstream media? There is no doubt that the media has been left-stream for a very long time. They just told us they were mainstream. They wanted us all to believe that their newsreaders were unbiased Americans just doing what Walter Cronkite told us for so many years…
“…and that’s the way it is…” when it really wasn’t the way it was. It was simply the way HE told us it was. Little did we know that he had an agenda, and that agenda was to advance a cause, and the cause was the destruction of the American way of life.
For those of you who have followed history, you will remember a time in the 1960s when we were constantly being warned about the “communists” and their desire to take over America. In fact, just before they murdered JFK, he warned us that our enemy was going to conquer us through “infiltration” rather than “invasion.”
Funny….but that was the same thing we were warned of in the Biblical book of Jude where we were told that “there are certain men crept in unawares…who changed the Truth of God into a lie.” Can you say Tom Brokaw, Chris Mathews, Harry Reasoner, Chris Wallace, Anderson Cooper, and the cadre of vixen on MSNBC and CNN?
On January 10,1963 the goals of the Communist Party known as “The Communist Manifesto” were read into the Congressional record. You can find the list in history books or online, but three of the goals are particularly striking…
15). Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
17). Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
20). Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
The successful implementation of those three goals radically transformed the United States of America. Today, ALL mainstream media outlets are Leftist, not mainstream, with the exception of Faux News which is on the RIGHT side of Leftism. In America today, there is no longer a middle of the road, straight shooting, that’s-the-way-it-is media. It is all Leftism. Some hard Left, some soft Left. But there is no middle ground anymore.
Which brings me to Donald Trump and his murder of the mainstream media.
It wasn’t long after he came down the escalator at Trump tower on June 16, 2015 that Donald Trump introduced to America a moniker from which the media would never escape when he pointed at the TV cameras and said for all Americans to hear…
“YOU ARE FAKE NEWS!” That simple phrase was the equivalent to C19 VIRUS injected into the unsuspecting American citizens. It was a jab, oft repeated, from which the National Media would never recover.
Today, Donald Trump has been re-elected as President of the United States and the Fake News National Media is on its death bed. That will go down in history as President Trump’s most valuable service to America. The murder, in broad daylight, of the Government-Media Complex that JFK warned us about in 1963.
Just a brief online search will show you the obituaries of the wicked government-media establishment. Here are just a few.
CNN is dead. More. NBC is crashing. MSNBC is having a fire sale. Oprah’s network is toast! The Las Angeles times has fired their entire editorial board.
What’s going on? The Lefties believed their Lefty media buddies and the shock of how much they were lied to in their predictions has caused them to lose all credibility. Heads are going to roll. Donald Trump is a murderer. He killed the entire Leftish media cabal.
The new mainstream media can be found every day on the internet. No longer do we have to swallow the fallow waters spewed out of the mouth of deviant Ellen Degenerate…world-class racist Joy Reid…idiot Whoopi Goldberg and her insane co-host Joy Behar, just to name a few. A new day is dawning in the American media.
Thanks to Donald Trump. He exposed the wickedness for all of us to see.
The new media can now be found in hundreds of no-name podcasters exposing the lies out of their humble one-person studios and bringing the truth to the airwaves one convert at a time. Joe Rogan changed the race. Charlie Kirk changed the race. Candice Owens changed the race…No name broadcasters exposing truth to an audience of millions. The Government/media complex never saw the kill-shot coming.
There is a lot of work still to be done. Truth be told, Donald Trump has created a new political party. Now that the lock on the brains of millions of Americans has been broken, we find out that clear-thinking, liberty-loving Americans are still the majority in America.
The Left lives in an echo chamber. Perhaps they should leave their ivory towers and spend some time out where the REAL Americans live. Try as they might, they can no longer write us off as “deplorables” and “garbage.” WE are the real Americans! The pot called the kettle black!
The Left has been crying for eight years that Donald Trump was a rapist. But it is worse than that. He is a murderer! He murdered the government-media complex!