Can Evil Be Fixed With Less Evil?

Complimentary Story
January 2025

   Can evil be “fixed” with less evil?  Based on the results of the presidential election, the majority of people in our country believe the answer is ‘yes.’

   This election showed how the illusion of “peace and safety” blinded the masses to Trump’s character (Daniel 7:8).  More importantly, the election showed that most do not realize our leaders have sold our country long ago, becoming puppets implementing the agenda.
   Our sinful nature facilitates history repeating itself.  This time, the Hegelian Dialectic solution is brazenly leading the Trojan Horse for all to see.

   Satan set up the ‘less evil’ deception in the garden, using a dialogue with Eve to steer mankind into the dialectic trap of believing we can be like God — by pursuing knowledge.  God’s way is always outside of this pursuit.  God’s character and Word do not change, regardless of how good things appear.

   In Revelation 13, God tells us that Satan controls both sides of the matrix of the world he rules — verses 11 – 12: “Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast.”

   If ‘Less Evil’ could fix ‘Evil,’ Satan would defeat Satan.  It is no coincidence that God warns us that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.  Instead, Satan uses his dual nature (both beasts) in his war against God’s creation. 

   Did the desire for a king blind the majority to God’s warnings? God Sends a Powerful Delusion (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).  The previously hidden (esoteric) agenda of collectivism deceives society into agreeing that medical murder is acceptable if it is good for the majority and the planet.

   Exoterically, Satan deceives us to participate in our own demise.  What did we hear in this last election?  Here are a few of the many excuses I heard when challenging with the facts regarding Trump (my comments in parentheses):
• It’s our civic duty to vote (programming; if our vote mattered, they wouldn’t allow us to vote)
• It’s a sin not to vote (lie)
• He’s not perfect, but no man is (if we vote, ‘God-fearing’ is the character we are to vote for)
• This is our last chance to save our country (God created everything in six days; we enjoy the role of amateur providence)
• He was treated unfairly by the courts (what we are seeing is a theatrical performance; our legal system is not about justice)
• Operation Warp Speed saved the planet from lockdowns which would have killed more (Trump is doubling down on the COVID false flag; murder is okay if it is for the good of the collective planet?)
• Defending Trump’s abortion stance (he voted for abortion; deferring abortion decisions to the states reminds us of Pontius Pilate abdicating Jesus’s fate to the mob who wanted Barrabas released)

   These are comments from people who claim to be Christians.  Only a delusion could produce excuses like these.  History is repeating itself.  It seems these people prefer a state of blindness, so God gave them what they want, just like He did in 1 Samuel 8.

   God’s final warning to His people, through Samuel, was, “He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.” (1 Samuel 8:17-18).

   1 Thessalonians 5:3 says, “While people are saying, ‘Peace and Safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

   As I’ve said on multiple podcasts, by creating a belief that we are going to finally get justice for the perpetrators and also preying on our desire for security, safety, and comfort, Satan snaps the final side of the control grid into place (I believe the people in the control grid will have a short period where it appears they made the right choice, because of perceived security and prosperity, but they followed the wrong messenger).  The theater drama we are in has to appear real to deceive.

   We are going to hear a lot more of these types of things, to get us to support the delusion:
   1). RFK, Jr. released ‘Enough is Enough’ correctly challenging chemicals in our food.

   The hook?  Eight chemicals have been banned in 16 years, all under savior Trump. 4,400,000 views and counting.

   2). Dr. Vliet wrote, in her recent newsletter: “Then on November 6, 2024, America woke to the news that President Trump was now America’s 47th President, leading to a spirit of hope for many that our years of tyranny and persecution as Christians and those speaking against a government narrative built on lies would finally be able to live in freedom again.

   “Many world leaders reacted positively to the election outcome. It truly feels like we’ve entered a period of divine reversal, a period of God’s grace, and real chance for peace. The work to restore America will take time, persistence, hard work and strong leadership. The job is just beginning. But we have faith that if we plant the seeds, till the garden, remain true to God’s Word, our faithful God delivers the harvest.”

   Are you kidding?  American Christians have experienced persecution?  Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-29 and compare it to American Christianity.  Divine reversal without repentance?

   3). Seth Holehouse (Man in America) produced “Trump’s Plan to ‘SHATTER THE DEEP STATE’ Revealed!” In this recording, he introduces and plays a video of one of the actors in Stop World Control.  Interestingly, Stop World Control facilitated the dialectic that Operation Warp Speed saved the planet by preventing longer lockdowns.  They are one of the players deeply invested in the New Age Great Awakening deception.

   Seth is a smart man but another one who I believe is blinded by Trump, obviously not realizing the plan to take down the deep state was written by the deep state – Satan controls both sides.   Is it too late to stop the ‘angel of light’ deceptions about to be unleashed?

   Very few people ‘see’ this esoteric spiritual agenda being played out with exoteric dialectics designed to get us to unwittingly participate in evil.  The desire to be like God has manifested itself into collectivism on both sides – evil and less evil.

   A friend of mine wrote me after the election, summarizing God’s warning well:  We “won” way too easily because it is now time for the “good cop” to blindside the lukewarm and get them to agree to what they would resist under the “bad cop.” 

   To be blunt, Satan is in a battle with God for our souls.  He is masterfully deceiving us to legally agree to our damnation through exoteric dialectics (like voting for a king) to trap us in the esoteric control grid for our souls.  Based on the angel of light leadership of the Great Awakening movement, it seems the masses would rather believe we are heading into a New Age of Enlightenment instead of coming to grips with why we are at this high point of evil in history – we have rejected God.

   Where do I see things going?  Based on God’s character, there are only two paths – judgment or restoration.  I believe we are in the days of Noah, which Jesus spoke of.  Time is urgent to shed His light on the evil and share the Gospel and the message of repentance.  God said, “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

   According to the puppeteer’s designed plan, the new king begins his reign this month.  The real King isn’t pacing around panicking.  His timing and purpose are perfect. There is nothing He cannot do. He cares about each of us getting closer to Him and believing “God’s got this, Dad” — as Grace would say.

   If you’d like to follow our story and advocacy work, please sign up for our newsletter at  You can also sign up to follow our landmark legal case at  For the inspiration behind our family’s advocacy, please visit  There you will find some fantastic pictures and videos of Grace, as well as resources and research.  If you’d like to help with our mission:

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