Overcoming Doubt
There is a story from the Gospel of Matthew that highlights this aspect of Peter’s personality. We find Peter, along with the other disciples, in the middle of a storm at sea (14:24). In the very early hours of morning they saw what appeared to them as a “ghost” “walking on the lake” (vs.26).
Jesus spoke words of encouragement, telling these fear-filled followers that “It is I” (vs.27). Above the roar of the wind Peter’s voice was heard -- “Lord, if it is You…tell me to come to You on the water.” (vs.28)
Jesus invited Peter to “Come” (vs.29a). Now Peter needed to overcome his fear and doubt to respond with faith. Yes, great was the call to faith in the midst of the wind and the waves.
Peter, indeed, got out of the boat and began to walk to Jesus on the stormy water (vs.29b). Then doubt invaded as the wind detoured Peter’s faith. As he was beginning to sink into the stormy sea, Peter cried out -- “Lord, save me”” (vs.30).
Jesus reached out to save this doubting disciple. His words were meant to focus Peter’s attention on this issue of “doubt” -- “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (vs.31b)
Doubt detracts from faith. ...