This is What I've Learned... From a Big Tow Truck!

   Jesus said, “For wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”  “And the place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and will end up being.”

   So, wheres your treasure?

   Well that’s pretty easy to figure out…it’s where you spend most of your time and what you spend most of your time on.

   Years ago, I bought an SUV that I’d wanted for long time, my dream car. I spent a lot time keeping it clean, it was an impressive vehicle and I felt that I’d worked hard for it, earned it and deserved it, and so I treasured it. But God apparently felt differently about it and so did some of my family members, and to make a long story short, I didn’t have it for very long.

   For the fact is, I spent way too much time polishing it, for it had become not only a symbol of my so-called success, but in factuality a materialistic idol. And God won’t allow that…for He wants all of us as believers to have “No other gods before Him.” Made of either metal, stone, wood or anything else here on earth!

   This is Layton Howerton with Highlights reminding you, that wherever or whatever you’re spending the majority of your time on, that’s where your treasure is. And you might wanna correct that before a big tow-truck co ...

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