The spiritual disciplines of prayer and meditation are at the core of Step Eleven of the Twelve Step Anonymous Program. Step 11: “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.”
No matter our days or years of experience as a believer and a Christ follower the depth of our understanding pertaining to the infinite, all powerful, Creator God of the universe, is at best, limited. The point in this step is every believer in Jesus that has “come to believe” and has “turned their will and their life over to God,” should seek after an intimate relationship with God. We don’t start this pursuit after we know God better, get asked to be a Bible study leader or other servant in the church, appointed as an elder or after official Bible College training. We start this step at whatever point we are at in our understanding of God. We want to grow in our conscious, (full awareness in knowing and feeling), contact with God. There is nothing mystical about this step. This is concrete communication, with a living God who desires a relationship with us, through prayer and meditation.
I could get bogged down in many details about praying to God, but I choose not to do that. There is ...