Let’s Reclaim the Rainbow for God!

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:

May 2022

   It was a beautiful sight then, as a child, seeing a rainbow after a scary storm, Oh thank God! Our home was still intact. It’s a scary sight now, perversions of that symbol fly as flags, and people see them as a symbol of pride?  There is nothing to be “proud” of in a “rainbow flag.”

   But the rainbow is a beautiful part of the story in Genesis.  Even though the people of the world were so evil, GOD saved a remnant to repopulate the earth. The “bow” in the sky would be a symbol of HIS continuous grace. No matter how sinful men became, the rainbow would be a symbol of HIS mercy, never again would there be such a flood. 

   The sign in heaven is still wonderous to me, but the perverted flag is a horror. Oh, the colors are there, but curiously “straight,” not beautifully arched as GOD’s heavenly design. 

   I’m no artist, but I pray, someone may design me a flag to fly — a flag depicting that beautiful rainbow, not the perversion flag.  A flag of hope, reminding us of GOD’s great love for even sinful man, not one for taking pride in lustful sins. 

   Perhaps, a flag with a great rainbow arching across from clouds in each lower corner, with the Ark at rest upon the mount be ...

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