At one point during the coronation ceremonies for King Charles III, Queen Elizabeth II’s successor and her son, the camera focused on the king kissing the Holy Bible. Tears began to flow from my eyes at this tender affection for the Word of God being shown by the newly crowned king (he actually became king at the time when his mother passed away, before his actual coronation). While my tears were tears of joy at seeing the Word of God being reverenced in front of hundreds of millions of people on TV, they were also tears of sorrow because there is no evidence that the new king is a born-again believer, and because the Church of England continues to be mired in conflict with its clergy in Africa and Asia about the role of homosexuals as clergy in that church.
The reader of this article surely knows that the clergy in Great Britain’s former colonies see no role nor any approval of the homosexual lifestyle as part of Christian beliefs based on Biblical values. In fact, some of those prelates have said that any attempts to promote this in their countries is a type of updated, spiritual colonialism and thus an expression of false, exploitative values. The African Church of England view is the same as that of born-again churches in our USA. For the born-again believers, the Word of God is decisive on this issue.
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