The Hearing To Dismiss the lawsuit by Scott and Cindy Schara for the death of their daughter, Grace, was held on Friday, July 14, 2023 at the Outagamie County Courthouse in Appleton, Wisconsin. The lawsuit is against five doctors: Gavin Shokar, M.D., David Beck, M.D., Daniel Leonard, M.D., Karl Baum, M.D. and Ramana Marada, M.D., as well as two nurses: Hollee McInnis, R.N. and Alison Barkholtz, R.N. along with St. Elizabeth Hospital and Ascension Health.
The courtroom was packed with approximately 100 people supporting the Schara family, many of those standing throughout the hearing. The attorneys present through video included Attorneys Joe Voiland, Mike Edminster and John Pfleiderer representing Scott and Cindy Schara. The defense, represented by numerous attorneys included Attorney Randall Guse representing Gavin Shokar, M.D., David Beck, M.D. and Karl Baum, M.D., Attorney Aaron Birnbaum representing Daniel Leonard, M.D., Attorney Jason Poje representing Ramana Marada, M.D., Attorney Jason Franckowiak representing Hollee McInnis, R.N. and Alison Barkholtz, R.N., as well as Ascension Health and Attorney Jeremy Gill representing Wisconsin Injured Patient and Family Compensation Fund. Judge Mark McGinnis allowed all the attorneys to be present by video, however this reporter found it to be VERY unprofessional and disrespectful to the judge when Attorney Jason Poje appeared in a room with an u ...