The Power of Trust (Part 2)

October 2023

  “Eat when you are hungry, drink when you are dry; if the coyotes don’t get you, you’ll live until you die,” the cowboy song goes, but what if you’re seldom hungry? What if you’re too hungry too often with tendency to overeat? What if you eat three meals a day, not because you’re hungry, but because it’s an old habit? How can you develop a natural intuitive appetite that you can trust, along with God, to keep trim and vim? As your doctor knows a “healthy appetite” is a major key to good health. Here’s how to get one.

   KEY # 1 — quality of foods — when Europeans invaded America, the topsoil was 20” thick and rich in macro minerals, trace elements, 5000 varieties of healthy microbes, and even some “rare earth” elements that Russian scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi found doubled the lifespan of lab animals (Rare earth: Forbidden Cures,” Ma Lan and Joel D. Wallach DVM, ND). Today, after a few hundred years of chemical farming with NPK fertilizers and pesticides, American topsoil is 7-8 inches — forget about a healthy balance of trace minerals and microbes in soil or food. The USDA knows all this. They should get serious now about “organic” and “regenerative” farming as should we all.

   To have a natural appetite that works for ...

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