Rule of Law is a core issue of the Constitution Party. We understand, as you do, that without it you will have anarchy. What is happening in these cities is what inevitably happens when there are no legal consequences for people not obeying the laws and those in authority won’t enforce the laws. Nothing of what is happening in these cities now comes as a surprise to us Constitutionalists. We are only surprised at how much city funds mayors like Eric Adams of New York City and Brandon Johnson of Chicago are burning through at breakneck speed. They are acting as though they are powerless against the illegal immigrants and must do everything for them as if they are running their cities now.
Whenever politicians subsidize something, they will get more of that something. Cities run by socialists built more and more housing for homeless people attempting to get out ahead of the homeless crisis their policies created, then said politicians are shocked that more homeless people begin making their way to their cities. Then, they start building more shelters to try to get out ahead of the new homeless arrivals. Wash, rinse, repeat. The vicious cycle goes on.
It is the same with illegal immigration. Leftists sowed the seeds of their demise when they touted themselves as “sanctuary cities,” telling illegal immigrants coming to their cities they would ...