Young People: You've Been Lied To

   Mankind has made the conscious decision to reject God, His Word and wisdom.  Our world groans and people run to and fro in utter chaos, constantly searching for answers, peace of mind and soul, while stubbornly rejecting the only One that can save them.   The Bible talks about this time in history.  The book of Luke tells us that “nations will be in anguish and perplexity...”  I can’t think of a better description of our modern world.  Anguish and perplexity.   
   I have an especially heavy burden for the young people of today.  Many, if not most seem to be living in anguish and perplexity.  They’re confused, anxious, fearful and under delusion. 
   I hate what our culture has done to them.  We’ve taught our young people they have no purpose in life except to indulge all their carnal, hedonistic desires.  We’ve taught them they’re entitled to have, freely, liberally, as much as they like;  no limits, no rules, no right, no wrong.  We’ve taught them that everyone gets a trophy, just for existing.   
   Walk the hallways of any public school between classes — and even in the best of these schools you’ll hear the most ...

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