Title IX Upended

May 2024

   A year ago March, a number of parents of students at Sun Prairie East High School addressed the District’s school board, expressing concern about what their daughters were telling them about an incident that occurred in the girls’ locker room.

   According to Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, who got involved after a a parent contacted them, after a swim class, four freshmen girls, went into the girls’ locker room following a swim class and proceeded to shower in their swim suits.

   The girls then saw a senior male student who is believed to have been 18 years old in the girls’ locker room. The girls say he wasn’t in their PE class. This biological male then proceeded to let them know he identified as a girl and stripped and showered in front of these young girls.

   The school’s response when this issue went public was that there were conflicting stories and that, quote, “student privacy and other laws prevent the District from addressing the specific events that occurred,” and then went on to say they didn’t condone the sexes being mixed in shower rooms but also didn’t denounce what happened or take steps to pass and enforce polices that would ensure it didn’t happen again.

   Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty is currently investigating this in ...

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