The True Teaching of Hatred for the Jews & Christians

May 2024

   One of the great mysteries of the Qur’an is the doctrine of abrogation;  generally people who do not have deep knowledge of this doctrine can be easily deceived. But the more we know about Islam, the wiser we become, which makes it difficult for Muslims to deceive us. Just recently, we watched the news media and what is happening around the world and in America on college campuses. The voices of the protestors are getting louder and louder, “Death to Israel and death to America.” Some Muslims may defend Islam by stating that these are simply the voices of radical and extremist Muslims, for Islam is innocent of these barbaric and uneducated people who claim to be Muslims. They may go further to say that Islam is a loving and peaceful religion. They claim it teaches that there are three Abrahamic Religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. That a Muslim cannot be Muslim unless he believes in Prophet Moses and the Torah, Prophet Isa (Jesus) and the Gospel and Prophet Mohammed and the Qur’an. They may go deeper by quoting some of the verses of the Qur’an which are known by Muslim scholars as early abrogated (cancelled and replaced) verses.

   For example in Qur’an 2:47 which is repeated in verse 122, Allah states: “O children of Israel, remember my grace which I graced on you, and I preferred you above the worlds.” Wow, you mean the Jewish people are ...

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