Come Walk With Us (Part 26)

May 2024

   This is the beginning of an unexpected fantastic weekend. We had the tent set and were unloading the last of the gear from the cart when a truck pulled in with two men inside. One of the men got out and asked what we were doing. I was afraid they were going to tell us we couldn’t camp here, but that was the farthest thing from this gentleman’s mind. The man said he had seen us out on the road and would have offered a ride but he had a load on his truck and couldn’t. He was apologetic and seemed to feel very badly about not offering assistance.

   Our new friend, who’s name we still don’t know, wants to buy our breakfast at the local cafe and will be here at 7:30 AM. He showed up a half hour early and said he would wait for us at the cafe. As we ate and visited, he showed us some literature on an event being held this weekend called “The Dick Shepperd Cowboy Gathering.” We looked over the brochures he handed us and Harry asked what this gentleman’s connection is with all this. He replied, “That was my dad.” We learned his name is Clyde Shepperd and he and his sister’s family have a chuck wagon that has won a large number of awards at these cowboy gatherings.

   He asked if we would be his guests at this event. He invited us to come to his home today, spend the night and go to the gathering with him tomorrow. W ...

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