Mother’s day and ending on Father's day annually? You know, “one biological born man and woman in a lifelong committed, monogamous relationship with their children — biological or adopted”. Let’s call that a “best practice” or how about an “ideal” family situation, if you will. This, instead of our current feel good, experimental, anything goes paradigm when it comes to the family, leaving too many children stuck without one or even both of their parents.
Consider this please. When we alter the historic best family practice there’s undeniable evidence that children will be less likely to be a problem in society. It is a known fact that children who are brought up in natural family environments live happier, more productive lives, have less mental illness and drug usage, etc. The list goes on and yes there are no guarantees of success in life but a natural family environment certainly makes it more likely. If you need further living proof visit any prison inmate about their family life. I rest my case.
But wait, an entire month for the concept of natural family? C’mon man, maybe a day — but a month? You’re asking for way too much! Ok, maybe but first let’s take a quick look at our current American Celebration Calendar with an eye on one item, the Gay/LGBTQ + ...